ACS Eye Specialist Centre
95G & 97G Jalan TKS 1,
Taman Kajang Sentral,
43000 Kajang,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: 03-82116078
Medical technology continues advancing. Today we have advanced investigative instruments that scan the eye like the OCT-Optical Coherence Tomography. Find out what the OCT can scan and show.

Welcome to ACS Eye Specialists
This website is designed so that
people can learn more about the different eye diseases.
Most people regard their eyes as being an essential sense. Without your sight, there would be many things that you would have to forgo. Therefore taking good care of your eyes is important. There are many different eye diseases and in this website we would like to highlight some of the diseases that patients may seek a doctor's opinion on.
We hope that this information will be helpful to those seeking it. However we would like to remind you that information provided is no substitute for medical advice by a healthcare provider based on individual patient assessment, including the healthcare provider's examination of each patient and consideration of laboratory data and other factors unique to the patient.
The material provided at Eye Topics may be used as a reference to enhance your understanding of your healthcare provider's diagnosis and treatment advice.
Confused between occupation terminology of eye care professionals like ophthalmologists, optometrists, orthoptrists and opticians? Click here to find out the difference - eye care professionals.
Our Comprehensive Ophthalmology Service provides eye care for patients, including medical and surgical services with emphasis on advanced cataract surgery. Eye specialty services are available in the areas of:
* cataract treatment and surgery
* corneal and external ocular disease
* retina
* glaucoma,
* neuro-ophthalmology
* pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus
* low vision rehabilitation
We serve patients who primarily reside in the Klang Valley region. Moreover, there are those who are from further afield who wish to travel out of their home state or country to seek our genuine expertise in medical and surgical eye care.K